Building The American Republic, Volume I By Harry L. Watson

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The Civil War, spanning from 1861 to 1865, was a defining moment in American history, driven by deep-rooted social, economic, and political divisions. These divisions culminated a conflict between the Confederacy, formed by Southern states that seceded from the Union, the North led by President Abraham Lincoln. The causes of the Civil War can be traced back to a complex web of issues, including states’ rights, economic disparities between the North and South, and slavery. Our textbook Building the American Republic, Volume I by Harry L. Watson highlights the significance of these issues, as well as the course of events, and ending results of the war. There were many factors involved in the start, during, and the end of the war, but in this …show more content…

According to the lecture slides, this battle was fought on “April 6th, 1862”. This battle lasted for two days, was said to have incurred more casualties than all preceding North American wars combined.” The next battle major was the Battle of Antietam. According to the lecture slides, this battle was fought on September 17th, 1862, in western Maryland.” According to the chapter 14 in the textbook, “The Battle of Antietam marked the bloodiest single day in American military history, with more killed or wounded than the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the Spanish-American War combined, and more than four times as many as on D-Day in World War II” (page 507). According to the lecture slides, the battle was said to be “tactically inconclusive”, but the Union saw it as a victory. It was said that this battle “and the transformation of the Union war aimed from preservation of the union to abolition of slavery, and enabled Lincoln to issue his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22nd.” The Vicksburg Campaign then occurred from “November 1862 to July 1863”. According to the lecture slides, “Vicksburg was a city in western Mississippi, and it was an area that the Union and Confederate forces wanted for control of the Mississippi

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