Compare And Contrast The Battle Of Lee And Mcclellan

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It happened on, earlier mentioned, September 13, 1862, Col. Colgrove of 27 Indiana Regiment found a copy of the Special order in a field where the soldiers were encamped. It did not take long and General Alpheus Williams received the document. He immediately sent the copy to McClellan with a short note that was emphasizing the importance of the order. The Special Order No. 191 found itself in the Union general´s hands on the same day in was found, and McClellan understood the advantage that was cast upon his army. His famous quote, “Here is a paper with which if I cannot whip Bobby Lee, I will be willing to go home.” shows the confidence McClellan had; however, there were no orders made on that day. The Army of Potomac was now closer to all …show more content…

Generals Robert E. Lee and George B. McClellan were the major commanders in the spotlight of the combat. These two men were completely different and the battle effected them in a weird way. While McClellan officially won the the battle and Lee lost it, his lack actions before, during and after the battle caused him his job and a Chief Commander, as opposed to Lee who´d always been respected gained even more respect by his campaign in Maryland and battle tactics at Sharpsburg. Despite removing McClellan from his position, President Lincoln achieved something that altered the course of American History once and for all, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The bloody battle of Antietam, was one of the most significant and most peculiar battles fought in the history of the USA; not only were the battle plans revealed before the battle even started, but the question is whether the Union took a full advantage of the leaked out document, evidence of which is not really straightforward in the course of the battle itself. In other words, the lack of actions on the side of the Union forces caused Antietam to be the bloodiest single-day battle in the history of the

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