
Civil War Dbq

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The United States of America was born with the goals of clearly stating all men are created equally, and protect the “unalienable acts” of each man. With the Declaration of Independence man knew they had the right of “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.” However, as early as 1777, antislavery northerners began to notice the unfairness of the Declaration, it did not applied to woman, poor whites and much less, slaves. On 1777, Vermont wrote their first Constitution, which states that adult slavery was eradicated: at age 18 women would, by law, were free and for men it was at age 21. The first act to officially demonstrate that the United States Government was not completely in favor of slavery was an Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery; …show more content…

There was an estimate of twenty three thousands casualties during this battle, thus making it the first battle of the civil war to have caused a large number of deaths. During this battle, General Ulysses S. Grant’s army was under attack by Confederate soldiers who without warning struck the Union soldiers. Soldiers from the Union and the Confederacy did not surrender. Union soldiers, for example, were commanded to form a uniformed line at the bottom of a sunken road to keep the Confederates surrounded. The first day of the war was gruesome, people were severely wounded and many died. To make matters worst, the public was being critical of General Grant, claiming he was the one responsible for the deaths of the many soldiers that died on the first day of the Battle of Shiloh. The public was not only accusing Grant of such thing, but they also wanted President Lincoln to remove him of his position. Lincoln responded stating, “I can’t spare this man. He fights.” On the next day, the Confederate forces were reinforced and fully equipped. General Grant’s army was very close to being defeated; nonetheless, Grant’s army resisted the attacks until the Union soldiers, at the end of the day, eventually won the battle. Although minor, Lincoln’s decision in this battle was crucial, he demonstrated independence and strong leadership qualities because he was not daunted to oppose the public. Instead, he worked independently and decided it would be better it Grant was kept as

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