
How Did Grant Win The Civil War

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Ulysses S. Grant was a relentless fighter and a leader during the Civil War. Before his presidency, arguments led him to join the Republicans. He gained many victories during the Civil War. His achievements symbolized the victory of the Union which supported his candidacy in 1868. Grant fought pro-Union, and he didn’t take no for an answer when he was on the battlefield. This showed in his takeover of the Mississippi Valley. During his process to obtain the Mississippi Valley, he gained Fort Henry and fought for Fort Donelson. Soon, the Confederates surrendered and asked for the terms. Grant proposed no compromises. He would only accept complete surrender with no conditions. The Confederates ceded. After this battle, President Lincoln promoted Grant to general. This promotion was one step forward for Grant. He was becoming a more prominent character during this era. This battle proved to Lincoln that Grant was a …show more content…

The Confederates used a sneak attack and surprised the Union which put the Confederates at an advantage. Their advantage led to a disadvantageous battle for the Union. Unfortunately, Grant made it out worse for wear. When asked to remove him from his position, President Lincoln declined the publics' *who?demands, only stating that he couldn’t let Grant go because he fought. Lincoln could see that Grant was a fighter and a leader, and in times of war, that's a crucial necessity to have. This event was once again a symbol of leadership for Grant. During this time, he showcased his heavy reluctance to give up and continued to fight vehemently for the Union. In his time of downfall, Grant proved his willingness to try again no matter the circumstances. This quality is essential for a future president. Fortunately, his labor paid off, and he proved his worth in his future battles. (How was this a victory for Grant? What did this show Lincoln? How does this lead to his

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