Bull Monologue

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It had to take at least three hours for me to finally scrape off the bull’s hide for me to wear as a coat in Antarctica's unforgivable weather. Then I started to get to the meat. It actually looked pretty clean, and this amount of meat should easily last me fifty days. I cut it up into reasonable sized pieces that I dragged back to the cave to keep it protected from the other bulls to come. I was also able to salvage almost all of the spear surprisingly. That could be useful in the weeks to come. I lay down on the icy layer covering the bottom of the cave, and immediately I fell asleep. It’s been ten days in the arena and I’m starting to feel it. My legs are frozen straight and I have frostbite everywhere. I’ve just been hiding down here and luckily no bulls have found me, there’s been a couple roaming on top of the cave, but none have found me yet. I have most of the bull still left so I won’t need to go hunting for a while. I climb up out of the cave to walk around and get some fresh air, however as soon as I look around I am face to face with a bull. I start to back away slowly, but this bull wants to kill me not let me win the Bloody bull. The bull charges, I know there is no way to out run …show more content…

This would be the 25th day of the Bloody Bull. I couldn’t believe that I had been in this place for almost a month, it was taking forever. I’ve had a lot of close calls that I would want to avoid in the second half. I sat up slowly and started to stand up. I knew that I had to get back to my cave where it’s pretty safe. I start to slowly walk back to my cave where I hear a crack beneath my foot, I’m standing on an ice sheet over a ten-foot wide hole with icy water beneath it. I start to slowly walk across it testing for the weak spots. when I eventually got across a rush of relief came over me. I slowly walked the rest of the way to my cave and settled down for a