Bul-ly. /boole/, verb. Use of superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone),typically to force him or her to do what one wants . Yep that is the definition of a bully. They areeverywhere, maybe you are one or have been a victim of one. Bullying is a thing we can just pushit to the side and pretend it isn't there like the trash and a can of aerosol. Though it is a serious topicthat needs to be covered and stopped, it isn't as bad as it has been in numerous years. Bullying isactually hard topic to talk about in the open classroom. Not many students feel safe to talk about it,whether in a closed or an open environment. The many statistics about bullying that have beengathered have shown that our generation has been cracking down on bullying. Well all that soundsgreat but it is still a …show more content…
Most of the Socs have everything that they ever wanted plus some. But instead ofhelping they constantly bully the Greasers. They always jump them, mug them, steal from them,and kill them. Although the Greasers are at a disadvantage that don't stop them from having a littlefun. They start rumbles, they steal, and most importantly they stick together and do everythingtogether. In the story it is very clear that the Socs are the bullies in this situation. They do whateverthey can to make the Greasers feel less about themselves. They love seeing them in pain.The conclusion of all this data, facts, and opinions have shown that even though there isless bullying that goes on now, than years before. Now it is still a problem but it isn't as bad asbefore. Now people are in there own business more than before, the punishments are worse andbullies are shamed more than ever now. Now that social media is a big thing there should be morebullying but not as many are reported. As long as the number of bullying cases keep going down itwon't have to be such a big deal like it is