Bullying In School Days, By Tom Burk

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Where did it all start? According to The History of Bullying (2011) the first piece of literature depicting bullying was Tom Brown’s “School Days,” but it was not until 1897 that Burk first published research data on the matter. It could be argued that all people have either been bully or have been bullied at some point in their life. Goodwin (2011) agrees by stating:
Frankly bullying comes naturally to many children. Most of us can probably remember being bullied and (with a cringe) times when we picked on others when we were in school. We had to unlearn the bad behaviors and learn how to be nice and stick up for others. It's not an easy lesson -- indeed, as TV reality shows like Real Housewives of New York City demonstrate, it's a lesson that many adults still need to learn (P. 84).
Cliché statements like, “He’s just like his Dad,” or “The apple does not fall far from the tree” lend themselves to the theory that connections, historically exist between today’s bullies evolving into tomorrow’s thugs otherwise known as criminals. …show more content…

In this day and time, the bullies update their profiles before, during, and after an attack posting a video for the entire world to see. Facebook and Twitter allow us to have own little piece of celebrity with our meaningless tweets and status updates. Cyber bullying has emerged along with the positive advancements nevertheless. Two days before Rick Ehmke’s daughter, Rachel took her own life from bullying, Alex Boston, a fourteen year-old Atlanta, Georgia girl stood against her teasers, two classmates after they allegedly created a false Facebook page with Alex’s face and very obscene, hate filled images, by serving them with a lawsuit (Bielski, 2012). When bullying is physical, bruises heal. When it is verbal or technologically terrorizing like Boston’s ordeal, the scars remain. I know from