Business Case Interview Paper

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Good afternoon, today I will be discussing my client, Albert, and his journey on the choice of investment into two comparable crypto-currencies. My client, an already well established, wealthy entrepreneur is looking to produce a profit, AND improve his appeal to potential investors by refining his business profile. Through rigorous elimination of different stock choices I advised on two different crypto-currencies that had the potential for significant profit margins by investment in one stock. The basis of my decision rested on three criteria: how much profit can be made from investment; company history; and public opinion and perception of the company. Albert has not invested in crypto-currencies before but recognises it will be a booming industry within the next few years. He will invest $10,000.
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Body 8:
To develop criterion 1, Bitcoin shows great results with ever rising stock since 2009. Litecoin meantime only takes 2.5 minutes to generate a single block making it more efficient. Bitcoin is considered strong because its market cap is much higher than Litecoin at nearly $10.5 billion and Litecoin is capped at 84 million and the price for Litecoin is significantly lower than Bitcoin.
Now although both of these currencies are quite strong for the first criteria, Bitcoin is consistently showing more promise towards Albert for making a steady and more substantial profit due to Litecoin being unstable and new in the market place.
Body 9:
Bitcoin has been around since 2009 and rich through and on an upwards trajectory whereas Litecoin has only been around since 2013 and has yet to show a good return. Bitcoin stock had a massive surge in 2014. Despite a small spike in 2014, Litecoin has been in decline. There has been some controversy around Bitcoin and Litecoin has capitalised on