COPD Stigma

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Research Topic: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and stigma Research Question: How do individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) perceive and experience dealing with COPD service providers? The research question suggests the ontological position that perceptions and experiences of individuals with COPD are meaningful within the social context (Mason, 2012). The epistemological approach will generate data qualitatively, by asking questions, listening, and obtaining information through individuals ' narratives about COPD and service providers (Mason, 2012). The topics covered are knowledge and practices about self-managing COPD, experiences and perceptions about COPD service providers, and barriers to accessing programs. The …show more content…

Semi-structured in-depth interviews would provide the researcher to set the topics of self-management, experiences, and access (Green & Thorogood, 2013). A limitation of semi-structured interview requires building trust and rapport promptly (DiCicco-Bloom & Crabtree, 2006). The richness of information gathered will be dependent on the rapport established between the interviewer and participant. Also, what individuals communicate about experiences with COPD service programs may not be what they feel (Green & Thorogood, 2013). The Focus groups allow participants to discuss self-managing strategies collectively and provide feedback about programs (Jayasekara, 2012). Additionally, individuals learn from each another in the group context (Jayasekara, 2012). The focus group allows individuals who would not participate one-to-one to express views (Green & Thorogood, 2013). Also, unfavorable feedback about COPD service providers can be express freely within the group as opposed to one-to-one (Green & Thorogood,