Cadaver Reflection

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The use of Cadavers in my view, and from my experience of working and studying in the dissection lab of the National University of Ireland, Galway is one of the best ways human anatomy can both be taught and learnt and I believe is an essential aspect of the study of educational anatomy and should be utilised in the learning of anatomy where possible. The active, hands-on exploration that cadaveric dissections provide, joined with excellent teaching methods makes for an interesting yet challenging method of learning anatomy.
My first time entering a dissection room, I felt a sense of captivation and was very much in awe. This fascination stemmed from the fact that I, along with twenty-something other anatomy students would be delving scalpel first into a human corpse, and experiencing the gross anatomy of the human body first hand. We would have the opportunity to a three-dimensional view of human anatomy from the quintessential study aid, the human cadaver. It was then that I realised how privileged I was and how much of an opportunity it was for me to be able to undergo cadaveric dissections all in an attempt to understand the complexity that is the human body. This opportunity, not available to many, I had as part of my study of anatomy. The clinical experience, as well as the self-discipline that can be gained from time doing dissections most definitely, can not be taught without the use of Cadavers. I can safely say that from my time in the dissection room, I have