Caffeine Persuasive Essay

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The reason why I chose this topic and question because from previous knowledge I knew that caffeine gives energy to your body, I decided to see how it enhances athletic performance. Caffeine has been shown and proven to enhance athletic performance. It enhances endurance for long distance runners and decreases muscle fatigue. Not only does caffeine have an effect on physical aspect it also effects mental energy. Caffeine improves alertness and also strengthens muscles. I performed tests and found that the effect of caffeine on an athlete is really helpful and believe that it will soon be a main source of physical enhancement in professional sports. Caffeine is typically know to make you wake up and give you energy, although for some people, coffee does not have the same effects as …show more content…

Consumption of 3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight (about one to one and a half cups of brewed coffee) appears not to produce some of the energizing effects, and as much as 6 mg may be needed. That’s a tremendous amount of coffee especially for athletes it is important not to overdose on the use of caffeine because it will cause side effects such as insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, stomach upset, fast heartbeat and muscle tremors. On the other hand, depending on your family history, drinking caffeine can link to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease, Type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s, so it feels like a bargain that works in your favor (fitday). If small amounts of caffeine intake is starting to make you feel sick or jittery, there are a few reasons for that. Either you are not getting enough sleep or you are taking medication that are interacting with the caffeine. If you are using caffeine to wake you up it would be a good idea to also get some sleep. When you’re not fully rested and try to intake caffeine your body will start to react to