Calbuco Volcano Research Paper

270 Words2 Pages
Calbuco (Chile)
The Calbuco well of lava in Chile has ejected once more, setting off a frenzy as gas and dust impacted into the sky in April 2015. Calbuco is a stratovolcano, ascending more than 6,570 feet above ocean level in the Los Lagos locale of southern Chile. It is an individual from the Andes Mountains, situated in the Llanquihue National Save and is known as a standout amongst the most dynamic volcanoes in that country. In any case, it had not emitted for over 50 years prior to the latest arrangement of occasions. The Calbuco volcano, alongside Osorno, is one of Chile's most dynamic volcanoes. It is found 11 km south of Lake Llanquihué and 30 km NE of the town of Puerto Mont in the Lake Region in southern Chile. Calbuco well of lava

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