Calculation Of Compound's Solubility As The Effect Of

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Abstract: Solubility refers to how a solute is capable of dissolving in a solvent. The solubility of a solute in a solvent can be dependent on the nature and components of the solvent, of the solute being dissolved in the solvent, and also the interactions among them. This experiment was carried out in order to determine a compound’s solubility as a function or in relation to temperature. Through this experiment, the dependence or effect of solubility is being tested for an unknown substance in a given amount of water at room temperature. After a set of procedures, the mass of the water and the mass of the solid are calculated. These masses are used to calculate the solubility of the unknown substance (grams of solid in 100 g of water). …show more content…

Solubility can be measured and classified in three different ways, these are: saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated. When measuring the solubility of a substance, the highest amount of solid within a solution that can possibly be dissolved is known as a saturated. If a solution contains less than the highest possible amount of dissolved solid then it is known as unsaturated. A supersaturated solution is one where the solution would have more dissolved solid than the highest amount needed to form a saturated …show more content…

Through this experiment and simply by observing the solubility curve, the resulting change of solubility based on temperature can be seen in two different ways. One may see that as temperature increases, for majority of the substances, the solubility of the solutions will increases as well. On the other hand, for other substances, as the temperature increases, the solubility of the solution will decrease. This again proves that temperature has an effect on solubility, however the nature of this effect will vary depending on the solution and its

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