California Oil Industry Essay

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The oil industry has been one of the pillars of the California economy for over a century, providing jobs, money, and fuel to our state. However, today’s oil industry faces several challenges due to incessant regulatory constraints, disdain from the public, and an ever-growing push for environmentalalism. Navigating today’s complex landscape requires the ability to transition into new practices that will address the presented challenges accordingly. The oil industry has been no stranger to challenges, especially in California, where the stringent environmental regulations have made operations increasingly difficult for oil companies. Moreover, the copious regulations placed on the oil industry have forced companies to invest in advanced technologies …show more content…

Despite the barrage of challenges currently facing the industry, there is still room for optimism. The oil industry has its roots set deep in the California economy. Looking at the state’s employment, the oil industry accounts for nearly 5%, employing nearly 1.1 million people across the state. With an industry this large, there should be no surprise that it contributes 6.4% ($199.3 billion) of California’s total GDP, as well as $21.4 billion in tax revenue. Undoubtedly, the industry impacts the lives of millions of citizens across California, providing jobs that support countless families and funding that supports local government, schools, and much more. Not to mention the fact that fossil fuels still contribute nearly half of California’s energy. All of this is to say that while the oil industry may be under heavy pressure, California is still heavily reliant on oil. While many opponents may not wish to admit it, it will be decades before the oil industry can be removed from California’s economy, if at all. Nonetheless, if the industry wishes to stay afloat in California, it must begin to navigate the challenges facing