
California Vs Bakke

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The late 1960’s and early 1970’s was a time of unrest in the United States. America was in the middle of a civil rights movement, American racism was nearly at its breaking point. In
1968 Martin Luther King, a civil rights activist, was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. That same year the Association of American Medical Colleges made a recommendation to open up nearly twelve percent to first year medical school classes to minority students(McNeese pg. 14).
In October of 1977, the Regents of the University of California versus Allan Bakke court case went in front of the United States Supreme Court. In the late 1970’s Allan Bakke, a white man in his mid-thirties was twice denied access to the University of California Medical School at
Davis. …show more content…

The Supreme Court case of The Regents of the University of California versus Bakke questioned the use of affirmative action in applications. The medical school of the University of
California at Davis reserved sixteen out of one hundred seats of every entering class for minorities (Blacks, Chicanos, Asians, and American Indians) (Banfield pg.82). Allan Bakke a white male in his mid-thirties was twice denied access to the University strictly based on quotas, although Bakke had MCAT scores and GPA higher than other minority applicants admitted (McBride par.3). Bakke would later sue The University of California on the basis that the school had violated the civil rights act of 1964. The California Supreme Court would rule in his favor. The California court made the decision stating “no applicant may be rejected because of his race in favor of another who is less qualified”. The school was ordered to shut down the quota system. The University then appealed the decision to the United States Supreme Court in 1978.
During the years of segregation, white schools had access to funds which led to a …show more content…

I personally believe that everyone deserves a fair shot regardless of their past. Some colleges have a history of student and cultural diversity and I think that that could have an effect on the application process. For minorities that have been discriminated upon, suffered, and experienced hardships due to their race or culture, this case allows them the opportunity to share their life experiences and give insight on the benefits of having diversity in our lives. I feel it helps expand equality for all people trying to apply for better jobs, educations, and overall opportunities to succeed. The decision made by the Supreme Court of the United States of America, gave victory to all by allowing affirmative action to be a factor in the admission process. Schools were allowed to consider race or ethnic background without having to use a quota. Allan Bakke also had victory in the ruling of the Supreme Court when the medical school was required to admit him into the program. It seemed to be a compromise for both Bakke and the University of

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