Call Back Monologue

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We’re all guilty of doing things we’ve instantly regretted whether it’s something small like telling a white lie or something big like quitting a job. We’ve all wished for a second chance to do things differently but would you accept a second chance if a stranger offered it to you? Well, for the main character in Call Back, he is offered the chance to undo his actions for a surprising cost. Call Back, which was directed by Carlos F. Puertolas and Rani Naamani, tells the story of a man named Chris who just murdered his wife and her lover in a motel room. After the murders, someone calls Chris to offer him help. Confused and panicked, he struggles to accept what just happened. But as the police approach the room and prepare to break down the door, he has to quickly decide if he is going to accept the stranger’s help. …show more content…

Then glimpses of a woman’s body are shown as Chris stares menacingly into the camera. Following this scene is the reveal of the murder scene. Although it’s extremely graphic it reveals the mindset Chris was in before he killed his wife and her lover. He must have been extremely hurt by his wife cheating on him. But when he takes a moment to reflect on what he has done, remorse quickly sets in. Chris acted on an impulsive idea and now has to deal with the consequences of his decision. His actions represent the number of times we have acted on sudden urges instead of thoroughly thinking things through. When we act on those impulses, we never consider the consequences of our actions and choose to live in the moment. But once that moment is over, we are left to deal with the overwhelming emotions that consume us and of those emotions regret is the