Camden County College Parking Case Study

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Camden County College sits in the heart of Gloucester County, New Jersey. It is one of the finer schools in the area and was established in 1967. The school is accessible via highways and a vast selection of public transportation. The school’s population is multicultural and diverse, which is one of many reasons why this beloved institution proven to be a fantastic place for me to further my education. Additionally, the wrestling, soccer and the football teams are performing at the top of their respective divisions, and the academic buildings, cafeterias, and restrooms are well maintained. Although I enjoy these positive attributes of Camden County College, one problem that should be addressed is the limited student parking. This is because professors have the privilege to park in assigned areas and I do not believe there should be designated parking on campus for anyone except people with disabilities. Designated parking should not be allowed for the professors because it is unfair to the students. More than half of the parking spaces that are closer to the academic buildings are reserved for the professors, but the number of students exceeds the faculty. One problem this creates is that students are forced to park in the streets, which is dangerous because of heavy traffic and narrow shoulders. Students may also cause an …show more content…

One such student is Andy Gayle, a mechanical engineering student who argues passionately about the parking problem. He believes he is paying too much in tuition at Camden County College to have this trouble with parking. Therefore, he believes that all parking should be on a first-come, first-served basis. Mr. Gayle concludes that the only designated parking should be for disabled professors and students. Even though this statement is controversial, I do agree with him totally when he states that only disabled people should be