Visition Rules At Clark Atlanta University

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In my English class my group and I took polls on how students felt about the visitation rules at Clark Atlanta University. I chose this visitation rules because students complained often about visitation in the dorms. Overall we surveyed 65 student living in the residential housing. Our data indicated most of the students surveyed that visitation hours are extreme and that the hours should be extended, visitation is taken away too often, and we should be able to have anyone visit. A majority of CAU students living on campus do not like the visitation rules. Seventy seven percent of students polled that visitation should be extended to at least 12 p.m. to 12 a.m. A freshmen male said, “It should be 24 hours.” More males wanted the hours …show more content…

When someone disobeys the rules then the entire dorm suffers the consequences. For example, if students are caught with someone in their room after visitation, the housing staff will revoke visitation for everyone. Sixty three percent of students think say it is not fair that visitation is stripped away so easily. There was not a difference in the gender or what dorms they lived in. Visitation can be taken away if there are several disruptions, such as loudness or students visitors not leaving at the time visitation is over. One freshmen female said, “It’s not ok that one person can mess visitation up for everyone else.” A freshman male said, “They act like we kids.” Many students have said this, claiming that residential directors treat students on campus as though we are not adults. Eighty three percent of the students had the same comments about having visitation taken away. This was the most talked about issue that they had as far as visitation because they did not like the fact that it is taken away without a warning. Also, that it could be taken away. One students sid, “Man Clark take away visitation so much what is the point of having …show more content…

Clark Atlanta University restricts visitors who are not apart of one of the three colleges in the AUC area. Fifty nine percent of students did not like the fact that they cannot have “outsiders” come to visit them in their dorms. One freshmen female said, “Boys can come visit but parents can’t and they pay for me to go here.” At least five students gave the same response about not being able to have parents visit. Out of the five, two were males and three were females. They all agreed that this was something that they did not understand, because parents are the reason that they attend Clark Atlanta University. A freshmen male said, “Dont understand how we can’t have people who don’t live here visit, they could see their ID.” Forty two percent of the students said that if someone has their ID they should be able to come