Canadian Anthem Analysis

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On July 1, 1867, the territory of Canada was officially established as a self-governing entity within the British Empire. Later in 1869, Canada acquires the vast possession. But not until 1880 the anthem was created. All started in 1880, “God Save the King” and “The Maple Leaf For Ever” remained the most popular nationalistic song written by Alexander Muir in 1867. However, the national song had been chosen by French Canadians. Today, still remind as a popular song among the Canadians. (Canadian Encyclopedia)
In the beginning, the name "Canada" was first given when the upper and lower parts of the country were formed, but they were later brought together. Despite this, the country 's official birth didn 't come until 1867 when the British …show more content…

In June 1990, the residents of Toronto voted in favor to recommend to the Canadian government. One of the changes made to the lyrics of the anthem “O Canada” was from "in all, thy sons command" to “in all of us command”. In this part of the anthem, the word “sons” implied that women cannot feel true patriotism or love for Canada so Canadian’s woman feel offended. Other changes to the lyrics include the words of “our home and gracious land” instead of “our home and native land". Some Canadians feel that the words "Native Land" were not appropriated mainly for those non-native born (Moscoe).In this way, the song includes the people of the First Nation tribes and everyone in Canada is represented and can sing it joyfully. Even after these changes were made, not everyone agreed with the meaning of the lyrics. Similarly, Senator Vivienne Poy criticized the English lyrics of the anthem as being sexist introducing the bill in 2002 proposing to change the phrase “in all thy sons command” to the phrase “in all of us command”. Consequently, Canadians lawmakers proposed a vote for the change to make the lyrics neutral but Canadians still waiting to include the women in the …show more content…

Each of his notes was read in Parliament in June 1980 by senator Arthur Tremblay explained that Routhier heard Lavallee perform the “ grad air” or “marche héroïque” at the latter’s residence on Couillard St and then he wrote four of the verse that the following night. Routhier 's grandson also stated that Lavallee and Routhier officially to write the song. Lavallee was very excited, his composition of “O Canada” that he forgot to sign the manuscript: Arthur Lavigned signed it on Lavalles’s behalf and sent it posthaste by messenger to Lieutenant-Governor Robitaille who asked Lavigne to become his publisher. (Encyclopedia Contribution)The anthem “O Canada” was accepted as a national anthem by a Committee of the Senate and House of Commons on March 15 1967. The actual version was formally accepted as Canada’s national anthem under the National Anthem Act on June 27 1980. This act was proclaimed by Governor General Edward Schereyerin in a public on Parliament Hill on 1 July 1980.