Canadian Booming Economy Report

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The lesson I will be teaching on Tuesday May 17th will be about the economy of Canada following WW2, and the cause and effect of the booming economy on the lives of the average Canadian during this time period. : I will be teaching the students about the rising economy of the 1950’s, and the efforts of the government in ensuring that they do not face the economic problems of the past. The students and I will examine the rise of consumer goods owned my average Canadians, and its affect on their everyday lives. The student will be able to differentiate the economy of the 1930’s (The Great Depression) and the 1950’s (The Booming Economy), and notice the many differences between them both from a social and economic standpoint. I will start of by …show more content…

Alongside this, the students will answer a broad question related to the economy. This will be done to get them thinking about the economy once again. ”: We will spend another 5 minutes discussing the various points the students and I put on our sheets. This will be done to get the students involved in the classroom discussion, and the bigger topic at hand. Students will receive a second sheet. This time the students will use the textbook (page 136-137) to explain how the pictures on the sheet express the booming economy of the 1950’s. This will be done to ensure the students understand exactly how the 1950’s was a time of advancement for the average Canadian. ”: For the next 10 minutes we will discuss the answers, and recap the information. This will be done to ensure everyone has the correct information on their papers. Students will complete a T-chart comparing the 1930’s and the 1950’s using various topics. This will be done so the students can see the huge difference in the quality of life for an average Canadian between the two decades. Following that sheet, students will discuss their answers with one