Cancer Personal Statement

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As Aristotle once said “Quality is not an act, it is a habit”. I am proud to say that here at King Hussein Cancer Center, excellence and high-caliber service are the cornerstones of our fight against cancer. Our dedication to quality and safety is guided by our strategic vision and evidenced by our achieved successes. The years 2012 and 2013 especially illustrate our accomplishments as they have far surpassed anything we have attained before; from ground-breaking research and cutting-edge technology to our regional and physical expansion and national successes.

In the past, the word “cancer” has sparked feelings of anxiety and distress, as it is truly a horrible disease. I, however, am inspired by the remarkable research progress made recently at KHCC. Our continued investment in research has made us successful in uncovering new effective therapies and in the development of minimally invasive procedures. The clinical trials conducted here, have been key in finding new treatment options and have …show more content…

In the past two years we have been able to expand treatment beyond our walls and reach underprivileged communities both locally and regionally. By utilizing a mobile mammography unit we were able to create an early detection and prevention outreach program to rural areas in Jordan offering dedicated care and health education to otherwise underprivileged communities. Internationally we have forged strong collaborative links and strategic partnerships to create an interactive environment, which promotes professional development and medical distinction. In turn, we have been able to benefit neighboring countries, Algeria and Libya for example, with our gained expertise and