Cango Financial Analysis Essay

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It is safe to assume that Riot Games cares a lot about visibility. With their own developers regularly engaging their customers and the ever increasing coverage of their own spectator sport acting as the most powerful form of advertising available, League of Legends is quickly becoming a household name. As arguably the largest game played on the planet, Riot Games enjoys significant brand recognition. The game isn’t without flaws. Unfavorable patch cycles, server latency and lag, and errors occur frequently in League of Legend’s constant development cycle. For a company like CanGo to compete in an online market choked by Riot, they will have to work three times harder than most and do so with the knowledge and acceptance a larger force looms overhead. If they succeed, they will be a welcome competitor to Riot. Riot has only one game after all and while many people play it, it would be foolish to assume that’s the only game they play. CanGo can find a niche in the online gaming market and if they carve it out with a favorable patch cycle and reduce latency and lag early, success may come to the company after all. …show more content…

This analysis was compared with other companies that were direct competition for CanGo. CanGo’s finances were specifically compared to that of Amazon. This comparison assisted with the assessment and evaluation of CanGo’s liquidity, profitability, efficiency and debt analysis. Advantage Plus was able to use accounting ratios to determine the state of CanGo’s financial health. The following table gives a clear picture of CanGo’s profitability; the table is followed by a detailed explanation of the figures listed on the table. Inventory Turnover Ratio Debt to Equity Ratio Current Ratio Net Profit

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