The Knight's Tale Analysis

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A Knight’s Tale
The Canterbury Tales is about twenty nine pilgrims who are gathered at an Inn and while waiting for the pilgrimage, the Host proposes for the pilgrims to tell a tale. This paper summarizes three of the tales told by the pilgrims; The Knight’s Tale, The Man of Law Tale, and The Friar’s Tale. These tales are included in the Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer. The first tale is The Knight’s Tale, which is a romance tale told by a pilgrim who is a knight and whom is described as chivalrous and has fought in many crusades in different countries. The knight seems to be admired by the pilgrims, to include the Host, as well as, chosen as the first to tell his tale. In addition, he is described as good, brave, gentle and setting the peace among the other tellers.
The tale tells a story …show more content…

He is one of the pilgrims at the Inn. The tale is set during the times when Emperors gave their daughters in hand, when the means of travel were ships, and communication relied on letters sent by messengers. The tale tells the story of Constance, the daughter of Rome’s Emperor, who marries the Sultan of Syria and is a devoted Christian which helps her to endure everything she went through.. Since Constance is christian and the emperor would not allow anyone, but a christian to marry her, the Sultan decides to convert from Islam into Christianity, at which the the Emperor agrees and Constance is taken to Syria. When the mother of the Sultan learns of this, she has all of the converts, including the sultan, killed. The mother of the sultan is compared to a serpent. “O, Sultaness, you root of iniquity! …O, serpent under the form of a woman, like that serpent that is bound deep in hell!” (NeCastro371) Only Constance survives and she is put in a ship to sail adrift. The ship crashes at