Carcass Lab Report

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The experiment was conducted to determine the carcass characteristics and haematological indices of broilers fed diet supplemented with phytase additive at finisher phase. 180 birds were procured at day old and were brooded and raised for four weeks prior to commencement of the data collection. The completely randomized design (CRD) was used as the experimental design. There were 5 treatments (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5) each replicating 3 with birds, treatment one was used as the control while the T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 were added phytase enzyme in powered form into the feed in the level of 10g/kg, 15kg, 20g/kg and 25g/kg respectively The Experiment lasted for four weeks (28 days) two bids were selected at random from each replicate and slaughtered …show more content…

Their cut parts showed no significant difference (P>0.5) although numerically T1 and T2 had higher percentage cut parts. This suggests that a combination of different strains of enzymes such as amylase, phytase and lipase when combine together according to Cowieson et al., (2006) will help to achieve optimal improvement on carcass characteristics of the birds.

4.2 Haematological Indices of the Broilers at Finisher Stage.
The Table below shows the Haematological analysis of the broiler birds fed with phytase enzymes.

Table 4.4 Haematology Indices T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 SEM
Hb (g/dl) 10.300 9.617 9.567 10.000 9.733 …show more content…


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