
Careabouts Judy Walsh Summary

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Judy Walsh specializes in high stakes communication, executive coaching, organizational change implementation, conflict management, and strategic planning.

She is exceptionally skilled in coaching executives who are delivering keynote addresses at industry conferences, preparing for high stakes executive briefings, and announcing major organizational changes.

Judy has worked extensively within a wide range of sectors-public, private, and non-profit in technology, health care, manufacturing, and finance, designing and conducting training programs for executives, sales leaders, and subject matter experts. Her clients include Masco, Delta Faucet, Fidelity Investments, Sutter Health, Cisco Systems, Microsoft, EMC, BMC, Hewlett Packard, Polycom, …show more content…

The listener’s “careabouts.”
Trust: Does the listener trust you?
Damaging Credibility: A speaker loses credibility the most when he/she fails to focus on the listener’s careabouts (i.e., when an IRO does not do their homework when targeting an investor, and tries to market to someone that’s not a fit for the stock; or when the speaker focuses too much on their own careabouts).
It’s not me, it’s you: Human nature is such that we prefer that people talk about us, rather than listening to someone who keeps talking about themselves.
You have 2 minutes or else: Judy relayed a story of a CEO who gives his executives 10-minute blocks of time to speak with him. He revealed that in his mind, if they hadn’t grabbed his attention in the first two minutes, he’s spend the next eight minutes trying to think of a reason not to fire the person.
Personal Communication Framework™: Mandel has structured a system in which speakers should approach conveying a credible message and trying to win over an audience so they hear/understand the message.
SCIPAB®: Pronounced Sigh-Pab, a framework that’s aim is to create alignment with the listener’s problem or

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