Life Long Nursing Career

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Nursing, a Life Long Career Graduating from college in May of 2012 and passing her boards and receiving her license only two months later Shera Hoy a nurse at my community’s local doctor office has had an extremely successful start to her nursing career, that will hopeful last a long time. From a very young age Shera knew that she wanted to be a nurse when she grew up. Growing up with a bother who had very serious health issues and autism, she wanted to learn more about not only the disease itself, but about nursing and caring for people as a whole. Beginning her college career, she attended to Waynesburg University in Waynesburg Pennsylvania. After making several decisions she decided to attend her second year at West Moreland community …show more content…

On Mondays and Thursdays, she is in the office from 7:30 to 8:00 and Tuesdays and Wednesdays worked from 9:00 to 5:00 and works within the Community’s Subboxan program on call every 5th Sunday. During these hours she serves many different people throughout the day. On Mondays and Thursdays, she works with mental health patients and substance abuse. While working with her mental health patients she takes their vitals as well as grooms them, meaning she talks to them on personal information as well as remembering anything important that should be told to a doctor. When working with the substance abuse cases she takes their vitals, blood and urine drug screens, as well as a 15-page drug screening questionnaire. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays Shera works a lot at her desk making different phone calls for differing …show more content…

As well as checkup calls on patients after discharge making sure they are taking their medicine as well as understanding everything they were told while being seen. Shera said “a lot of the time many different patients never fully understood what the doctor told them as well as the instructions given to get better, calling and checking up ensures everything is understood and that the patient will be safe.” The final job she could have during these two days are checking quality measures and closing gaps for a wide range of insurance companies. While doing all of these different jobs she works with a wide range of other health field professionals as well: Mental Health nurse practitioner, physician assistant, medical assistant, doctors, psychology, and administration. Having a wide range of coworkers helps during the work day as well as success for the patients. Shera’s favorite to work with are the Medical Assistants because they get to know the patient than the doctors as well as others who work with the patient. If she ever needs any help, personal information, or help the MA’s are her number one go to. Since working in a busy hospital to a small local health center a lot has changed throughout her daily activities, but no matter where she works, Shera will always be helping and healing