Career Field Of Psychology Essay

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The career field of psychology is growing year after year due to the rise in trauma inducing cases in the past century or so. More than just this, there is also a greater understanding about mental illness as a whole, due to this finding, more people are now able to come forth because they know there is an abnormality in their mind, they know it is not “normal”. Considering the rise of people who come out asking for help, there is a significant problem in this field. There are many different aspects and theories of psychology that focus on a certain characteristic of the onset of these illnesses. The problem that comes with this is that if the focus is set on a certain aspect or outlook of the mental illness, there is also a larger part that is forgotten, because there is not enough research being put into an effort for treatment. Clinicians tend to explain and treat specific symptoms or disorders based on their preferred model, and the research scientists involved in the field of psychology use these different models to disperse their findings into …show more content…

This poses the question, if we do not have a single model that focuses on human functioning as a whole, why not bring together all of the models, look at the entire background, the whole brain, and the person as a person and not as a disease, why are we limiting the ways we can help those suffering? The field of psychology should join together and rid the generalization of models. Every clinician should be trained the same way, to notice the same things, so we receive answers for the mental illness we have never found complete answers for. To understand this issue as completely as we can, the basic models will be of use. Psychological models are general hypotheses as to the nature of psychological abnormalities. The four main models to explain psychological abnormality are the biological, behavioral, cognitive, and psychodynamic