Career Interest In Psychology

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Career Interests Report
I. Career and Interest Self-assessment Results After completing the forms to find out my RIASEC score I was a little surprised to find out it is investigative. The next highest score was artistic which was not much of a surprise as I see myself in that one. Under the investigative heading I found a few jobs that I would be interested in. I found jobs that I would like as fire inspection, sociologist, electrician, therapist, and others (O-net occupations master, 2000). When I started school here at APUS I wanted to sign up for psychology and was informed that it is more research than client based, so I opted for business as I already have training in coaching. What I have learned from this self assessment is what not to look for. I am constantly trying to figure out who I am and what I should be doing. I think this assessment has given me good clues of where to look for what I want to do. I have spent the last twenty years of my life driving trucks and taxis, and I think it fulfilled a need for survival. I can also see where my two strongest interests of investigative and artistic were the most favorite parts of those jobs. Searching how to complete the job and being creative in the completion of them. II. What Can I Do with A Degree in Psychology? …show more content…

One might work in a hospital, school, or clinic, and by themselves in a private practice, in a group practice, or in a school setting as a teacher (American Public University, n.d., para. 1). I have also learned that psychologists help create commercials and other business functions. Looking at psychology as part of the mind and communication it is easy to imagine the need for psychologists in everything. Understanding human motivation and progression opens up work for the psychologist in any facet involving them including research, practice, and