
Cartoons In Past And Present Cartoon Analysis

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Research question: how do cartoons in past and present reflect American culture in different historical periods? introduction I respect how “The Simpsons” and “Mickey mouse” have create the influence on people. Although they are both set in a different time period, both cartoon have shown a high influence towards the American society, and become a hobby for them to express their stress. The purpose of this essay is to show the similarities and differences that exist between both cartoon on how they have influence American society and how is it link to it. After an outline of the cartoon back ground and the how it attracts audience to change will be shown. In addition, the essay will define how people in different ages think about these two cartoons. Thus, by analyzing the cartoon, and comparing the technique the produce to the audience, the essay will answer the following question: how do cartoons in past and present reflect American culture in different historical periods?

What is cartoon Since the start of 1908, the first successful cartoon “Fantasmagorie” has already been created by Émile Cohl. Cartoon is the process of displaying still images in a rapid sequence to create the illusion of movement. These images can be hand drawn, computer generated, or pictures of 2dimension objects. Though most people associate cartoon the same with animation, it also has applications in industrial and scientific research. Regardless of the type, the viewer 's body plays
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