Case Study: Crocodile Cleansers

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To Spray or Not to Spray Crocodile Cleansers is a small company that in South-East, that market varies type of cleaning products for customer. The principal product is Ab-Stain, a fabric remover available in liquid form. Robert Whitney is the new product manager for Ab-Stain. Robert was offer the job after his old boss left the company. Before this, Robert worked as assistant manager for four year. With his new position Robert faces a serious problem. As we know, Ab-Stain is superior to national brands as a stain remover to most sort of stains, but the sales have been declining. To find out why this problem happens, Robert does some market research to overcome the problems. Based on his market research, Robert found out that consumer switching to national brands. They changing not due to superior wash national brand capacity but because these brands can be found at aerosol sprayer. They thought aerosol easier to apply and less messy from Ab-Stain, that tends to spill into other place of fabric besides the stained area. Robert realizes the remained competitive, an aerosol spray should be offered. After one short discussion with Research and Development Robert finds that propellant needed for an aerosol spray to Ab-Stain contains hydrocarbon. Robert have read that hydrocarbon contribute for ozone materialization in earth primary level atmosphere. During extreme heat time and stagnant air, increasing ozone levels. Ozone disturbing respiratory system and can cause respiratory

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