Case Study: Does The Quilted Northern, Angel Hard

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PROBLEM Does the Quilted Northern, Angel Soft, Members Mark, Cottonelle, Scott, or Charmin brand of toilet paper break apart the fastest in moving water? Does the brand Quilted Northern, Angel Soft, Members Mark, Cottonelle, Scott, or Charmin when wet hold the most pennies? Does the brand Quilted Northern, Angel Soft, Members Mark, Cottonelle, Scott, or Charmin hold the most pennies when dry?

HYPOTHESIS My hypothesis is that Scott will break apart the fastest in moving water because Scott is one-ply and the thinnest of all the toilet paper.
My second hypothesis is that Quilted Northern will hold the most pennies when wet because it is one of the thickest toilet papers.
My third hypothesis is that the Member’s Mark will hold the most pennies when it is dry because Member’s Mark is two-ply and appears the thickest.

PROCEDURE To prepare for both experiments I will acquire five brands of toilet paper, rubber bands, and a stopwatch from local stores. There is no control group for any of the experiments because I am comparing brands of toilet paper. The variable for each experiment will be the brand of toilet paper otherwise, for each experiment everything else will be …show more content…

I measure one cup of tap water in a two-cup measuring cup. I will then use a mixer to move the water at medium speed (three). The mixer will not touch the bottom and will be steadied by placing it on a platform. I will then drop a square of toilet paper in the moving water while starting a stopwatch. I will time it until it breaks apart into small pieces. The time will be converted into seconds. I will repeat this twenty times for each brand. I will take the average of each brand and create a bar graph. The seconds will be one the y-axis and the brand one the x-axis. For each brand, I will create a bar graph to show the results, with seconds on the y-axis and trial on the