Irritable Bowel Syndrome Case Study

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Chapter One 1.1 Introduction Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the considered a biopsychosocial disorder, whose beginning and precipitation are a consequence of interaction between multiple factors which involve motility turbulence, abnormalities of gastrointestinal sensation, bowel inflammation and infection, changed processing of afferent sensory information, psychological distress, and affective turbulence,( Hauser, et al., 2014) . "A more comprehensive definition of IBS according to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders sometimes referred to as spastic colon, mucous colitis, spastic colitis, nervous stomach or irritable colon, IBS is a disturbance of colonic function characterized …show more content…

IBS a etiology is most likely multi-factorial involving biological, psychological and social factors. Visceral hypervigilanceand visceral hyperalgesia , which could be mediated by peripheral, spinal, and/or central pathways, constitute key concepts in current research on pathophysiological mechanisms of visceral hyperalgesia ,. IBS is the common diagnosis in clinical practice for gastroenterologists and primary care physicians. IBS has a multifactorial causes, including changed intestine reactivity and motility, changed pain perception, and change of the brain-gut axis. In addition, psychological and social factors can influence digestive function, illness behavior, Irritable bowel syndrome is the among of the most common gastrointestinal disorders with a prevalence ranging from 5%-20% in the general people world …show more content…

prevalence of Irritable bowel syndrome is reported to be 2.9%-15.6% in Asian countries nowadays, which is almost similar to that in the Western countries, (Gwee ,et al.,2010). The best-accepted risk factor for IBS is bacterial gastroenteritis, (Halvorson ,et al.,2006) , and poor quality of life (Ford ,et al., 2008). IBS runs in their families ( Saito . et al., 2008) and low birth weight is in addition a risk factor for IBS, even after controlling for genetic influences, (Bengtson ,et al., 2006). Many Irritable bowel syndrome clients turn to herbal preparations because of a wide spread perception that they are safe and effective for a variety of ailments, (World J Gastroenterol, 2014). Jane, 2012, stated in their study that although there is no cure for IBS, you can control it by making some changes diet and lifestyle. Sometimes medication can also help,or may need to try a combination of things to see which works best for

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