Garcinia Cambogia Essay

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Garcinia Cambogia: Explained Garcinia combogia is a type of tropical fruit that is used to make medicine. It is currently gaining popularity as a weight-loss supplement. Garcinia cambogia should not be confused with Garcinia hanburyi (gamboges resin). Garcinia cambogia for weight loss is also commonly known by the following names: • Vrikshamla • Tamarinier de Malabar • Mangostana cambogia • Malabar tamarind • Kankusta • HCA • Hydroxycitric Acid • Hydroxycitrate • Gorikapuli • Garcinia quaesita • Garcinia gummi-guta • Garcinia Cambogi • Cambogia gummi-guta • Brindle Berry • Brindal Berry • AHC • Acide Hydroxycitrique Cultivation of Garcinia Cambogia In Southeast Asia, west and central Africa, India and coastal Karnataka/Kerala Garcinia cambogia …show more content…

It shares culinary applications with Tamarindus indica or tamarind. In Kannada language, Garcinia cambogia is called uppage and the fruits are gathered and dried. Garcinia Cambogia for Weight Loss According to some people, Garcinia cambogia for weight loss work by blocking the body’s natural ability to produce fat and it helps curb appetite. In addition to this, it can also keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check. Garcinia cambogia for weight loss supplements are available in bottles on the store shells and are usually combined with other ingredients in diet products. Hydroxycitric acid or HCA is the potent ingredient found in the fruit’s rind. In recent studies, it has been shown to help boost fat metabolism and curb appetite. It was also shown to block the activity of the citrate lyase enzyme which the body utilizes for the production of fat. In addition to this, HCA increases the levels of serotonin, a brain chemical, which can make you feel less hungry. There are 6 basic reasons why physician refer to Garcinia cambogia as the Holy Grail for weight …show more content…

However, you must not use garcinia cambogia if you are already using a prescription medication to manage your cholesterol levels. Possible Side Effects of Garcinia Cambogia The following are some of the reported adverse effects of Garcinia cambogia: • Diarrhea or upset stomach • Headache • Dry mouth • Dizziness The US Food and Drug Administration or FDA in 2009 has released a public warning from using a weight reduction product that contained Garcinia cambogia due to some reports from people who suffered from liver problems after using it. It was not clear though that garcinia cambogia was to blame because most products contain other components as well. While there are some studies which recommend that the supplement is safe for the liver, there are some other studies which say otherwise. In addition to this, Garcinia cambogia may interact dangerously with the following: • Warfarin, a blood thinning agent • Statins, or medications that reduces cholesterol levels • Prescription medications for psychiatric illnesses • Pain killers • Iron for

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