
Case Study Wells Fargo

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Wells Fargo & Company Submitted to: Submitted by: Date: Course code: Abstract In these research paper management issues of Wells Fargo & company has been identified. It is observational research study that is based on data collected from different secondary resources.The main objective of this research study is to address the management problem which Wells Fargo & company is currently facing. Research has also proposed a few solutions to overcome the problem and to ensure that such management problem does not take place again. In the end, research has also provided recommendation which includes the involvement of new management techniques in the organization. A separate audit department is also a solution to current problems. …show more content…

Itwill help the organization to improve its reputation. Loss of customers as a result of creating fake accounts is also a matter of concern for the company which should be addressed. Customers should be contacted by the company, and all of their concerns should be removed effectively and promptly. Bibliography forbes.com. (2016, 09 19). Wells Fargo To Nix Sales Goals After Fake Account Scandal. Retrieved 09 19, 2016, from forbes.com: http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurengensler/2016/09/13/wells-fargo-to-end-sales-targets-after-fake-account-scandal/#c41eba622dcd ft.com. (2016, 9 19). Wells Fargo urged to clawback bonuses over fake accounts. Retrieved 9 19, 2016, from ft.com: https://www.ft.com/content/769b5460-790a-11e6-97ae-647294649b28 Levine, M. (2016, 9 19). Wells Fargo Opened a Couple Million Fake Accounts. Retrieved 9 19, 2016, from bloomberg.com: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-09-09/wells-fargo-opened-a-couple-million-fake-accounts Rushkoff, D. (2016). Real reason Wells Fargo scandal should scare you. Cable News Network . Singal, J. (2016, 9 19). Why It’s Unlikely Anyone Will Go to Jail Over Wells Fargo’s Massive Fraud Scheme. Newyork times

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