Cassius Dio: The Influence Of Octavian On Cleopatra

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Cleopatra is probably one of the most recognised figures from the ancient world, she was represented in many different ways and we could find number of historians who wrote about her.

(‘Surpassing beauty she was, young, most striking women, being brilliant to look upon and to listen to’). (Dio in AA100 Assignment booklet 2015, p.20), that’s how Cassius Dio the roman historian (born.16, died after 229CE) described the main features of the Egyptian queen, Dio also presented condensed version of a speech Octavian is presented as giving to his army before the battle of Actium between Octavian on the one hand and Mark Antony and Cleopatra on the other, in this speech Cleopatra is presented as a fatal influence on Antony, she is temptation personified and Antony is incapable of resistance,(‘He is either blind to reason or mad, for I have heard and can believe that he is bewitched by that accursed woman’).(AA100 Book 1 Reading 1.1 Augustus on Cleopatra, p.27).
Dio suggests that Cleopatra can manipulate, she reposed in her beauty all her claims to the throne, she has the …show more content…

As a similarity Horace, like Plutarch, (‘describes her suicide as a defiant act that prevents her capture by Octavian and her being paraded as a conquered enemy in his triumphal procession back in Rome’).( A100 Book 1, p.14 ).

About this roman views of Cleopatra It’s hardly surprising, given their opinions about Egyptians, monarchy and romantic love, and they have never been to

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