Catcher In The Rye Argumentative Essay

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Everyone has at least one moment where they had to test the limits and dive straight into danger. It’s like tightroping. Every step forward comes a chance of falling off. Safety nets are for people who aren’t comfortable or ready for a challenge. You get older and no longer need somebody to hold your hand every step of the way. No net means practice was involved and time was spent for this purpose. Holden is forced to take steps forward without looking back. Holden fell without practice and time. Affected by the death of his brother Allie, Holden’s world turns upside down with dropping out of schools and skipping school. His dream job of becoming a catcher in the rye exhibits his desire to protect others.
Not all innocent people or things need help with life decisions and Holden doesn’t understand that. We all know that ducks fly towards the south where its warmer and travel together in a group though that group consists of ducks like themselves. As in not fully adults yet but when they get older it still doesn’t change. Holden’s care for innocents is similar to this question of the ducks therefore he went to find them,“ I walked all around the whole damn lake -I damn near fell in once, in fact- but I didn’t see a single duck. I thought maybe if there were any around they might be …show more content…

He mentions his sister throughout the book about how smart and loving she is. Towards the ending where they go to a carousel Phoebe is reaching towards this gold ring where every kid there tries to grab which symbolizes a part of growing up for them kids. Holden get a realization “ The thing with kids is, if they fall off, they fall off, but it’s bad if you say anything to them” (Salinger 211) Phoebe is the innocent in Holden’s life and when she is reaching towards the ring it makes Holden realize that she is willing to take risks and make mistakes and most importantly grow up. He can’t catch those who aren’t willing to be