The War of 1812 was a war that involved Great Britain and the United States with the involvement with Native Americans and France. Due to previous conflict with Britain and France which the United States took a neutral stand and agreed not to interfere between the two countries. In attempt to cut off supply trading with both countries between the United states. Britain passed the Orders in Council, "which required neutral countries to obtain license from its authorities before trading with France or French colonies." (). Soon after Thomas Jefferson imposed the Embargo Act which restricted trade for the United States. The American out view on the war of 1812, the United States had no type of money to fight in the war, economically this war was …show more content…
Neither Britain nor the United States gave up their territory claims during the war or after, which meant the British and Native American ally could still settle on American land. Even though the British had the opportunity in addition to all they did stop impressing American sailors, seizing ships, and harassing the United States land. Britain remained focus on Canada and kept trade between the United States. After the burning of Washington, America rebuilt and reestablished the building. As for various groups in the American society. The New England and the south suffered the most. In the South slaveholders lost numerous slaves that had joined the British in the war. Who offered slaves their freedom for participation in their war efforts and allowed them to settle in land in …show more content…
If the United States at the time would have stop trading with France during the war with Great Britain, Great Britain would not have felt as if the United Sates were trading behind there. “The Napoleonic Wars would have ended on cue and suddenly the pressure would have been off and the nation could have gone straight to being Britain’s good trading partner and skipped the mostly disastrous war." (The Historic Present. Web 1). The decision on whether or not to go to war was split along the party side. Both parties were against the war on Britain. “With its power centered in the commercial elite of New England, the economic disaster brought on by Republican embargo and non-importation laws made Federalists irate." (Lilly Library. Web 1). The federalist were supportive of a strong central government with the expenses of war the federalist didn’t approve of the war. The Federalist opposition to Republican foreign policy but once the war started the federalist took a different approach. This historical decision to go to war with Britain is a major big lesson for the United States. Even though it strengthen the United States and its political outlooks it taught the young nation about foreign affairs. This war taught the United States that putting in a little work and money for the riches of the nation would benefit in the long run. "Last, the War of 1812, despite the complaints and isolation of New England during