Cause And Effect Of Ww2

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World War II caused the death of many people. The wrath of the Germans, Italians, and the Japanese led to horrible death. The concentration camps killed thousands of people. The Japanese concentration camps, in particular, were awful places that forced hard labor out of prisoners of war until they died. During World War II, the Japanese lost to the Allies and surrendered, but the concentration camps of the Japanese still caused the death of many prisoners of war.
World War II was the second war that included many countries battling for a cause. It lasted from September 1, 1939, to September 2, 1945. Many of the battles of World War II were fought in Europe, the Pacific, the Atlantic, South-East Asia, China, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Northern Africa. The war was fought between two sides: The Allies and the Axis Powers. The main powers fighting for the Allies were Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States. The main countries for the Axis Powers were Germany, …show more content…

The Axis Powers’s main countries fighting for them were Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan. Other countries that fought for the Axis Powers include Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Slovakia. These countries joined the Axis Powers for promises of land or protection. The three main countries all wanted different things out of the war even though they were fighting on the same side. “Declaring that Germany needed Lebensraum or “living space,” Hitler began to test the Western powers and their willingness to monitor the treaty’s provision. By 1935 Hitler had established the Luftwaffe, a direct violation of the 1919 treaty. Italy’s desire to create the Third Rome pushed the nation to closer ties with Nazi Germany. Likewise, Japan, angered by their exclusion in Paris in 1919, sought to create a Pan-Asian sphere with Japan in order to create a self-sufficient state.” (World History