Causes Of Illiteracy In Pakistan

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Illiteracy becomes the root cause of all the problems and gives way to them. Literacy is defined as persons aged 15 or above who can “read” and “write”. According to this definition, Pakistanis are officially reported to have 50% literacy rate. Which means half of its population is illiterate. With such family backgrounds, inflation, poverty and child labor this rate is expected to increase in future. Even for those who are termed as “Literate” are only able to read and write, which in today’s technology oriented world is still considered as illiteracy. Majority of the people forming the top controlling tier is almost unaware of technologies and technical mindset. Thus, the country adopts and adapts to technology at a very slow speed. Literacy is a very effective and important parameter of measuring social development of a society. It is also the ground reason for many other social problems such as crime rate, political unawareness and terrorism etc.
The country has one of the lowest literacy rates of the region, in OICPakistan has one of the lowest literacy rates and when dealing with the causes of this we believe that following are the major ones:
• Economic causes
• Gender Inequality
• Population growth
• Lack of quality and awareness

The most striking feature of Pakistan’s education system is its inherent inequalities. With a net primary enrolment rate of 57%, there are an estimated 7 million primary-aged children are out-of-school, mostly due to poverty and partly