Causes Of Poverty In The United States

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Poverty cannot be underestimated under any circumstances in the United States. Over the decades, poverty has become one of the world’s greatest challenges both economically and socially. Moreover, with people losing their jobs and the rate of employment being depressingly low, comes threatening problems. As a result, people suffer from low income and are unable to accommodate their living. Additionally, this may lead to them becoming homeless due to the fact that they are unable to pay their expenses. In addition, born with different skin color causes racialism in the country. Poverty in the United States is caused by rising unemployment rates, low national income per capita and racial discrimination.
The United States has seen many major changes …show more content…

The United States ranked third in residents with earnings beneath the American poverty line. Furthermore, it is the highest of all countries partaking in the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS). Moreover, the rate of poverty is 13.6 percent in the United States whereas it is 8.1 percent on average with the rest of the participating countries (Smeeding, Rainwater, and Burtless 2000). The increase of poverty is caused by many economic factors. The United States saw a major increase in poverty between 2007 and 2010. Furthermore, certain dynamics effect poverty numbers, including age, family living space, and the quality of education systems. In 1964, the President Lyndon B. Johnson officially announced the war against poverty (Keoni, 2014). Overall income decides whether a family is considered poor in the United States. Keoni (2014) claims that families that consist of four people are likely to be poor in 2012. Moreover, if the family income is below $23,492 per year, it is considered to be in a state of poverty. Furthermore, 46.5 million people were deemed poor in 2012. The war against poverty saw major successes in its attempt to decrease poverty. Keoni (2014) writes that there was a decline in poverty by approximately one-third in 1967. In addition, the population in poorness decreased 25.8% in 1967 and 16.0% in 2012. Even though that war against poverty saw outstanding progress, there are still tasks yet to be accomplished. Most poor citizens moved from poverty after waiting for years. According to Keoni (2014) in 2012, 45 million citizens moved out of poverty. Additionally, in 45 years they moved out about 27 million citizens from poverty. Also, they have managed to stop 1.2 billion citizens from falling into poverty. Applying a method to enhance the economic factors related to poverty can aid senior citizens to move out from poverty. Koeni (2014) found that by using a program that helps boost