Causes Of The Rebellion Of New Mexico

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The Mexican revolution in 1910 was a revolt against Mexico’s’ dictator Porfiro Diaz to end his 33rd year of ruling.

led by Pancho, Madero and Orcozo. Zapata starts a rebellion for the rights of land and water. Also Pancho captured the city Ciudad that same year. And Francisco Madero was elected president. Then after Orcozo loses the election he leads a rebellion in Cihuhanna. A year later Huerta killed Madero and declared himself president of Mexico. The United States was against this and occupied Mexico.

Years later, Pancho plundered a city in New Mexico, for revenge on America, seeing Carnanza as an enemy, and in the final year of the revolution Obregon, applies to be a president, and was against Obregon and wins the election ending