Youth Unemployment In Ethiopia

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There are number causes of youth unemployment. The most significantly is poor macroeconomic performance. Youth are more affected because youth unemployment tends to be super-cyclical. It fluctuates stronger than adult unemployment (Ryan, et al., 2000).
The factors contributing to this higher repeated instability are several. Young workers usually have lower job protection. In addition, they are most likely to have gained less job-specific experience. Also, compensation pay tends to increase with tenure, making it less costly to fire a young worker (Pagy, 2007).
Youth also face higher barriers to entry into the labor market due to their lack of experience. Un ability to get credit and lack of access to business networks make it more difficult …show more content…

He explained that young people are finding it difficult to be employed largely due to the stagnating formal sector, with school graduates staying at home without gainful or productive employment. (David, et al., 1996), view most, African countries to be plagued with rapid population growth and stagnating economic.
2.8.1 The Challenges of Youth Unemployment in Ethiopia
The story of youth unemployment in Ethiopia is partly a story of education (Serneels, et al., 2007). He explains that the enormous expansion of opportunity in University education, and the low costs of attending university have led to a large population of poor youth with university degrees, diplomas, or vocational training. These individuals, long-term unemployment are not often an option. They have to find temporary or casual employment while searching for the jobs that they want.
According to (Mains, et al., 2012), In 1999 only about 4% of urban Ethiopia had any kind of higher education, this rose to 27% by 2011. In the past education was a guarantee of a good job, and is still viewed as the route to a middle-class life among the youth aged 20-24 years. Online of this, the rate of unemployment is, in fact, the highest among those with some kindof post-secondary education (Broussard, et al.,