Cbpo Thesis

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The main mission of the ERO is to deal with any undocumented immigrants who pose as a danger to the American public. There are three main areas of focus that ERO does, which are all three equally important to them. First, they enforce the America’s immigration laws following every protocol to ensure they are acting in a fair and effective manner (ice.gov). They identify and apprehend any undocumented immigrant that is considered removable and throw them into detention when it is absolutely necessary to do so. Secondly, they have a list of priorities for the apprehension, arrest, and removal of convicted criminals, and those that are considered a danger to the people of the United States. They also target any personal who recently crossed the …show more content…

They are considered to be the front line of defense against illegal immigration. The CBP was created in 2003 and has three main principals that they follow. They are protecting the American people, protecting the national economy, and safeguard and manage the U.S. air, land, and maritime borders (CBP.gov). CBP is responsible for patrolling up to 7,000 miles of border that is just on land. In addition to the 7,000 miles of land borders, they also cover up to 95,000 miles of shoreline with the partnership of the United States Coast Guard (CBP.gov 18). One objective that CBP has in regards to border security, is to increase their situational awareness of the air, land, and maritime borders (CBP.gov 17). This means that the CBP is constantly making sure they stay on top of current threats and are ready to defend against any situation that they may encounter. A Second objective CBP has is to detect, interdict, and disrupt any type of illegal cross-border activities that may occur (CBP.gov). This is important when it comes to the security of the United States, because one of the illegal activities that could be occurring along the border is terrorist trying to get into the country. A good way to ensure that illegal cross-border activities do not take place, is by building and maintaining a superb relationship with all of the state, local, federal, tribal, and international partners …show more content…

The last issue under title 1 deals with oversight. Within this issue, there would be three different things that would occur. Number one, there would be the creation of the Homeland Security Border Oversight Task Force, which is made up of 26 members (MPI 5). They would serve the role of reviewing and offering recommendations about immigration and border enforcement strategies. Number two, the statistics on the effectiveness of every border patrol station along the southern border would be required to be reported on by the Department of Homeland Security to Congress. In addition, the amount of miles that are under 24 hour watch and staffing at points of entry would have to be included in the report to Congress as well. Number three, the offices of technology in both the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security would have to draft up reports to Congress showing their success when it comes to interagency collaboration (MPI