The Five Key Roles Of The Department Of Homeland Security

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Critical Infrastructure Protection
[Name of Writer]
[Name of Institution]
Critical Infrastructure Protection

1. Interpret the Department of Homeland Security‘s mission, operations and responsibilities.
The department of homeland security is responsible for ensuring a secure and safe homeland against acts of terrorism. The key elements of the department’s mission include:
• Resilience
• Customs and Exchange
There are related goals to the key elements mentioned above to which the department works in order to make sure that they provide a safe environment to the citizens of the country. The operations of the department help in achieving the mission of the department by conducting joint operations, coordinating activities, employing efficient use of department resources and by collecting the right information from the federal, state, local and private sector agencies.
Following are the five main responsibilities of the department (
1. Prevent terrorism and enhancing security
2. Secure and manage our borders
3. Enforce and administer our immigration laws
4. Safeguard and secure cyberspace
5. Ensure resilience to disasters
These responsibilities are ensured by the department in order to achieve their mission of keeping their homeland safe and secure and also assist the countrymen in their difficult times i.e. in case of natural disasters.
2. Detail the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) initiatives, what they protect, and the methods we