How Does Celebrity Culture Influenced Popular Culture

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Moving to the next point, cultural proximity – fascination of audiences towards their language and culture in media or the media of similar culture – consequences into celebrity culture which has been constantly developing for last a decade wherein audience are fascinated to celebrity representation in many diverse ways. As a scientific study reveals that we human being have a tendency to be fascinated with celebrity, and ‘that our brains receive pleasurable chemical stimuli when we see familiar faces’(Howard Altman). “Television, more than any other cultural development, has radically changed our experience of celebrity” says David Blake, a professor of English at the college of New Jersey. Ewing states, “Television has made celebrities both …show more content…

Characters on the reality programs also enjoy the equal celebrity status to the host. In Indian ethnicity host as celebrity maintains a gap from the contestant and allow them to built relationship with audience. The process of becoming dear to voter examined merely on the goodness of one’s heart and tasks performance, whereas American celebrity gets their love mostly for the negative arguments, practical way of life even if it disturb somebody else, blunt expression of love and sexual frustration etc.. for example in UK Celebrity Big Brother 2015 Austine is declared as runner of the show who have felt much comfortable in underwear all the time and representation of his homosexual intimacy towards other inmates, his swimming pool scene are captured naked. These mentions tasks can’t be taken negative as such but if compared in Indian context than TV producer and director had to have thought thousand times before broadcasting on tube. Because the idea of Indian family means three consecutive generation runs from grandfather to grandson and the traditional families still relish TV programs together in that case vulgar scene are strictly not

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