Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In The Classroom

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Reasons why cell phones could be beneficial in classrooms Have you ever been in a situation in your classroom when you wanted to use your phone if it was to listen to music or you needed to research more than just the text you have been given? Even if some students may abuse this privilege and schools don’t believe in having them in the classroom, students should be able to use their cell phones in the classroom. First because it could potentially save money for the school. Next it could help students feel more relaxed in the classroom.Lastly, it can be beneficial for students who have medical issues. Moreover at the end of the day, letting students have cell phones in the classroom could be very beneficial with these reasons. The first point of why we should be able to use our cell phones in class is that it could potentially save the school thousands of dollars. It stands to reason that instead of schools having to buy laptops for everyone they could just buy 10 per class compared to 35 and spend money on something more beneficial, and have the students bring in their own devices. Alpena Public Schools alone spends thousands of dollars on technology alone.If students were permitted to use their cell phone in class and do their work on there they could only have to buy a few chromebook carts compared to all of the ones we have for each team now. Yes, some students could abuse this privilege, but you could have the school block social media networks off the WiFi or just