Censorship Persuasive Speech

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Censorship has always been around and will most likely never go away. Censorship, according to Oxford Dictionaries, is the suppression or prohibition of any book, film, or other media deemed too obscene for the public, a threat to security or politically unacceptable. We see it many forms such as a black bar over something inappropriate, the blurring of nudity, or a bleep over swearing. However it seems no one can agree on how things should be censored, what should be censored, or even why. The most common argument as of late has been what is more acceptable: Sexual Content or Harsh Violence? They are both weighed differently in both video games and movies, so where is it we really draw the line? No one really seems to know, however in my …show more content…

One such example being the game “Hatred”; an isometric shoot-em-up that came out in 2015. It was almost not allowed to be published due to the subject of the game actually being “Kill everyone because you just want to watch the world burn.” What do you think happened when people learned they were not going to be able to play this? They petitioned to have it released on Steam anyway, and they succeeded. Hatred is available for purchase for $19.99. But something ironic about this? It’s considered to be one of the worst games ever made, and is purely riding on violent shock value. People only wanted to play it for the controversy it seems. Now here’s a game series which has dealt with both sexuality and violence in all of its installments: Grand Theft Auto. The game I am going to speak of in particular here is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. San Andreas is a game already not meant to be sold to minors, though there are those few game merchants who seem not as concerned with who they sell to. But this isn’t about those merchants, I’m going to talk about the “Hot Coffee Mod”. This mod was made so you could access a censored sex mini-game hidden in the files of the game by the developers. Grand Theft Auto is already a series drenched in controversy due to its play style encouraging the slaying of bystanders, police officers, and prostitutes. However it seems this Hot Coffee was the last straw to break the …show more content…

This in itself, isn’t necessarily bad, most of the girls in the game seem to embrace their sexuality, instead of seeming like it’s forced on them. But there is a spin-off series known as “Dead or Alive: Extreme”, or “DoA:Ex”. “DoA:Ex 4” has been kept from America by its company “Koe Techmo” due to “A difference in cultural women views.” Yes, I do understand that Japan and America view things differently. In Japan, there is a shrine dedicated to “Chichi-Kami”, or “Boob God(ess)” However what I gathered from that announcement was that even other countries have gathered America is the odd one out when it comes to the two censorships. Still with DOA, tournaments of the original fighting game are still held, but certain special costumes are soft banned from play, meaning all the bans are up to the discretion of the tournament organizer. I do know that a lot of the costumes are fetishistic and nearly nude, but at the same time, other banned costumes cover more than default