Censorship Should Be Abolished Persuasive Speech

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Imagine a world where everything you say could be a one-way ticket to fines or jail time. A world where calling somebody ‘sir’ is a violent act because they felt like they should be a woman at that moment. A world where any opinion besides that of the majority is hate speech. This is the world in which we will live if political correctness and self-proclaimed social justice warriors are allowed to continue down the path they are on.
I am sure some of you are thinking, ‘get a load of this guy, he’s talking about crazy, extreme what-ifs that would never happen,’. But am I really? Bill C-16 became law in Canada on 19 June 2017, and adds legal protection for “gender identity” and “gender expression” to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal code. The bill and those like it make it possible for someone to be fined up to $250,000 for not calling somebody by their preferred pronoun, and is vague enough to where this can happen even if the so-called misgendering was an accident. And it is absolutely insane to think of how people are supporting this, not to mention supporting …show more content…

What about censorship here in the States on the grounds of being politically correct? On that front there are countless examples of websites like Twitter, YouTube, Google, and Facebook censoring right wing and conservative voices because they supposedly violate site regulations or are classified as hate speech. This is patently false and shows the bias towards the left and their campaign of political correctness. YouTube will push right wing videos to the bottom of searches, demonetize them, or make sure subscribers are not notified when the channel’s video-in-question is uploaded, all in a deliberate campaign to silence voices they disagree with or deem as not politically correct. Google and Facebook will perform similar actions, pushing opposing viewpoints to the bottom of searches. Twitter will often ban right wing