Ch. 14 Assignment 1

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Ch. 14 Assignment
The main concept behind Bunker and Thorpe Teaching Games for Understanding, is to make sure children can have fun playing various games beside just going into sports to learn about functional development. They believe that kids can development multiple sport and activity movements, motor skills by playing games. In chapter 14 we learned about how learning in early development can be inferred from observable behavior and persistence, consistency, and adaptability. The games that these children will play help their development in different ways therefore, there isn’t pressure on kids to play well in specific sports settings before gaining the fundamentals of that sport. An example of this is territory games, where children participants invade an opponent’s territory to score. While kids play territory games, it helps them learn how to perform short passes, shield the ball, support players around them, and be tactical on defense. I coached 4-5-year-old soccer, and during practice we would play these games. To them it was just playing around not a drill for soccer. Cognitively they were learning how to support each other and play defense with each other. In addition, there are striking/fielding games where children participate striking an object so its placed away from defenders. This can help them develop hand-eye coordination, …show more content…

During our semester, we learned how kids develop certain motor skills as they get older. By first learning how to kick a ball. Then able to gain enough balance and coordination to jump up and down. As they learn these motor skills their strength, balance, coordination all develop and able them to do more specific movement, such as jumping up and heading a