Periods Of Development Essay

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Periods of development consists of Prenatal period (conception to birth), Infancy and Toddlerhood (birth to 2 years old), Early Childhood (2 until 6 years old), Middle childhood (6-11 years old) and Adolescence (11/12–18/20 years old). In human development, there are three domains of development which are physical, cognitive and social and emotional domain. As we all know, motor skills is categorised as physical domain. When we talk about motor development, we usually consider gross motor and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills refer to skills that children need to move their body and do activities that use their arms and legs while for fine motor skills is an actions that use small muscles of the body. Every age have different …show more content…

Early coaching or practicing motor skills can improve infant motor skills later in life. All of the skills that have been train during their early stage and directly related to the quality of experiences they have playing with their parents. Based on research, playful movements of very young infants can contribute to fundamental motor abilities. For example, children as young as six months of age adapt their reaching and grasping to both the characteristics of particular objects they are playing with and the surfaces on which these objects lie (Bourgeois, Akhawar, Neal, & Lockman, 2005; de Campos, Rocha, Cicuto, & Savelsbergh, 2010. These playful manipulations of objects provide the basis for the later acquisition of object control skills, such as throwing [1]. Infants and children develop in a physical environment, and learning by doing involves exploration of the environment, sometimes from a distance and sometimes up close. Efficient behaviour requires advance planning and innovating. In other words it is a prospective control [2]. Other than that, parents should have strategies or planning regarding their infants motor development. If the strategies did not work out, parents should modify the plan and making a new plan when initial strategies